Why is this special? Currently, this is the only system which will throttle production to meet the needs of the customer while not harming the batteries. This system will allow for the solar to produce energy even when you have a fully charged battery during a power outage. For example, Powerbill Solutions uses Enphase’s Ensemble system. While battery prices continue to come down in price, not all batteries are created equal.
When shopping for a solar plus battery back-up system chosing the right vendor can mean the difference in paying thousands of dollars.
Thomasville solar customers can install battery back-up with their solar system to be prepared for a power outage. With this in mind, it’s important to plan for these events in case the grid goes down for hours or days. Thomasville’s tornado index also is above the U.S. During that storm 7,700 Thomasville Utility customers lost power and many of them did not get their electricity back for several days. However, powerful storms like Hurricane Hermine in 2016 did leave a lasting impact on Thomasville residents. Thomasville may not be as impacted by hurricanes as our Floridian friends to the south but it is no stranger to severe weather.

Be Prepared For A Power Outage Or Severe Weather Interestingly enough, 50% of those surveyed agreed that paying 10% more for the house that was solar equipped was worth it. Found that 8 of 10 Americans preferred builders who offered solar power as an option for new home shopping considerations. Another survey by Sharp Electronics Corp. Department of Energy/NREL, home values increase $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills! So a solar system which will save you $400 per year may also add around $8,000 to the value of your home. With new solar technologies and rebates from state and federal governments this is a great time to add solar to your home’s equity arsenal. Best of all this does not take into account the added tax benefits and savings provided by going solar. Given the median list price of a Thomasville home, that’s a boost of nearly $10,000 according to the study. A recent Zillow analysis showed that, on average, solar panels increase a home’s value by 4.1%. The median list price of homes in Thomasville, GA was $219,000 in August 2021, going up 12.8% year-over-year. Home values in Thomasville, GA have seen a healthy rise over the least few years. Thomasville Solar Customers Increase Their Home’s Value When They Install Solar
With rising electricity costs, Thomasville residents can see a return on investment pretty quickly. Using solar energy can affect your electric rate and your service so it’s important to discuss this agreement first. In Thomasville, you would enter into a distributed generation agreement with Thomasville Utilities. This can result in substantial savings, especially during times of peak energy consumption. This credit reduces the total net electricity you would purchase from the utility provider. You would then receive a credit on your utility bill. What is net metering? Net metering is when an electric utility provider lets you, the solar panel owner, sell back excess power to the grid.

Thomasville Solar Customer Can Net Meter With Their Local Utility Solar panels are safe and reliable while a battery back-up system can provide peace of mind during severe weather.

While solar can provide energy savings over time, smart homeowners can use solar to further increase their home’s value in the hot Thomasville real estate market. Thomasville is a rapidly growing city and many new homeowners and business owners are looking for ways to reduce their dependence on the local electrical grid while helping the environment. Thinking Of Going Solar In Thomasville, Georgia?